Simply put, prohibition kills more than what is prohibited. This is why #theMOREtour2020 began.
Myself and the Ganja Grunt left from Colorado Springs
on September 4th and have so far traveled over 2k miles across this so called, "free country"but is it really free?
REGISTER at Platoon 420 to keep up to date as The MORE Tour continues!

September- December 2020

FREEDOM Tour Nov 2019- Covid
GI Mary Jane joined Libertarian Presidential candidate, Adam Kokesh and Team End The Fed on the 2020 FREEDOM Tour which was abruptly ended due to covid closures.
The tour followed Libertarian state conventions where GI Mary Jane represented the victims of prohibition and discovered how the party could help us reach an end to they tyranny of it's archaic laws.

Civilian Platoon 420 joined thousand of people & their pups in the first annual Maryland Paws for Prevention Walk, in May 2019 benefiting the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, an organization at the forefront of research, education and prevention initiatives designed to reduce loss of life from suicide.
GI Mary Jane & Civilian Platoon 420 are a group of dedicated advocates from all over Maryland who believe that compassion and nature have the answer! We walk on behalf of the entire natural wellness community in Maryland. We walk to be a voice for those who can't have one. We walk in solidarity to end the dangerous stigmas that plague this nation today.
Official Team Sponsors