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Writer's pictureGI Mary Jane

Man harassed repeatedly by police over cannabis

Updated: Nov 9, 2019

A Texas man is arrested for a second time this year with minimal amounts of cannabis in his possession.

18-year-old Ryan Christopher Prather was arrested on 4/20 this year with less than 4 oz of cannabis in his possession, a Class B Misdemeanor in Texas. Just over a month before his trial, police pulled him over for a minor traffic violation and charge him with Felony Possession over 4 oz.

During the traffic stop police smelled the “strong odor of marijuana” and instructed Prather to step out of his vehicle. While searching the vehicle they found 300 grams of cannabis, about 10 ounces, an amount local media outlet Chron reports as “a lot of it”, but based on whose perception they weren’t clear about.

Labels on the confiscated bags indicate the cannabis had come from a medical dispensary. Police also reported that the cannabis was “Hydroponic marijuana” although it is unclear how they are aware of the growing methods used for this particular crop.

Constable Robby Thornton of Liberty County Pct. 4 said “We’ve encountered these cases before and we’re going to be aggressive about getting rid of anyone trafficking dope in our county,” as clearly indicated by the way they seemingly stalked this young man after his first arrest in April.

Constable Thornton may also want to think about looking up the definition of the word “hydroponic” & “dope” as he continues his crackdown on the non-violent citizens in his community.

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