28 year old Aron Nathaniel Nwankwo was driving through Brooklyn Maryland on Monday afternoon when a vehicle that fit the description of the transportation used by George Floyd's murderers stopped him. A pair of armed men approached them and by threat of force ordered Nwankwo and the passenger, 43 year old Deon Prinze Alston to step out of the vehicle. Once the pair was removed, the armed individuals began to loot through the contents inside of the vehicle.

Just under 3 pounds of Cannabis, 51 packages of THC edibles and $802 in cash was stolen from the vehicle. Nwankwo and Alston were then transported to a local internment camp. It is unknown at this time if the pair was released on ransom or are still being held as POWs of the Drug War.

The assailants later identified themselves as detectives working in collaboration with the Anne Arundel Police Department. ACPD said in an article published by WJZ13 that they were following up on a "few 'community concerns' of drug activity in the area at around noon" and quickly responded. The ACPD valued the cannabis at over $8,000 a pound, which conflicts with the national average price of $4,256 per pound published by OTC in September of 2020.
The state of Maryland decriminalized cannabis in 2014 with the stipulation that an individual can only carry 10 grams at a time. According to information published by NORML, anyone in possession of over 10 grams but less than 50 pounds can face up to a $1,000 fine or 1 year serving as a POW of the Drug War.
In an article published in March 2020 by The Baltimore Sun, Baltimore's State's attorney Marilyn Mosby "ordered her staff Wednesday to dismiss pending criminal charges against anyone arrested for possessing drugs including heroin, attempted distribution of any drug, prostitution, trespassing, minor traffic offenses, open container and urinating in public.". This ruling was made In an attempt to "reduce the threat of a coronavirus outbreak behind bars" acknowledging that "These crimes pose no risk to public safety."
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