Two people have been kidnapped following a roadside altercation in Los Angeles California on Thursday. The individuals were being followed by a vehicle fitting the description of the transportation used by George Floyd's murderers and eventually decided to pull their Ford F-150 & trailer to the side of the road near 240th Street East and Avenue J-8.
Once the two vehicles came to a stop, an armed individual approached the Ford and demanded by threat of force that the driver give him access to the trailer they were towing. The armed assailant then began looting through the contents inside the trailer and truck.

780 pounds of freshly harvested cannabis was stolen from the trailer. The driver and passenger of the Ford were transported to a nearby internment camp. The assistant was identified as a member of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.
The LASD made a post on social media boasting about the robbery and property theft of these two nonviolent individuals. A spokesperson for the gang, Ali Villalobos stated in an article by the Los Angeles Times that “This was an unheard of amount for someone to be transporting and have in their private collection.” indicating that had the pair been carrying less plant matter, her armed enforcers may have left them at peace.

Villalobos went in to explain, “We don’t dispute whether marijuana is safe or unsafe, or should be legal or illegal, we just follow the law.” even if that means throwing nonviolent citizens in cages for victimless crimes.