Timothy Barkho and Ariosto Rodriguez were driving slightly over the speed limit on Monday, August 17th while traveling through Prospect Park NJ when a patrol officer flipped on their lights to pull the two over. What should have ended in a citation for a minor traffic violation ended in the theft of the driver's property and the eventual kidnapping of himself and his passenger.
By threat of violence the officer ordered Barkho and Rodriguez to step out of the vehicle and began looting through the contents inside. 666 grams of dried cannabis flower, 56 grams of cannabis extract cartridges and $4,872 in cash was stolen from the vehicle and the two were taken by force to a nearby internment camp.
Barkho and Rodriguez were later released without ransom but have been instructed to return to the local courthouse at a later date to face charges of drug trafficking. If convicted they could spend anywhere from 10 to 20 years as POWs of the drug war.