38 year old Roosevelt Neal was pulled over for speeding on the night of July 1st on I-80 near milepost 389 in Wyoming. Instead of receiving a simple traffic violation he was asked to step out of his vehicle as the officer began looting through his personal possessions inside.
“After I explained to Neal that I was going to conduct a search of his vehicle, he disclosed that he had a small amount (of marijuana) in his vehicle,” the trooper stated in a sworn affidavit.
3 pounds of Cannabis and 42 ounces of THC extract were stolen from the scene as Neal was transported to the nearest internment camp. He stood before Laramie County Circuit Court on July 3rd and was charged with a felony for being in possession of plant matter. He is being held until his next appearance. He faces up to 10 years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine if found guilty by his accusers.